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Henna Powder for Hair- Benefits, Way To Use and DIY Recipes

henna powder for hair

Which one would you choose? Chemical based synthetic dyes, which increase the number of gray hairs or natural alternatives like henna powder for hair that nourishes your scalp? Obviously, you will choose the second one over the first one. Do you have any idea about that natural alternative? It is none other than henna powder.
Discover the natural benefits of henna powder for hair, a safe alternative to chemical dyes that promotes healthier hair and scalp This article will explain the uses of henna powder. More specifically, this article will familiarize henna powder for hair to you in detail.

Henna Powder Origin

Henna powder is prepared by finely grinding the dried leaves of the Lawsonia inermis plant, known for its natural dyeing properties. Fine quality henna leaves are dried under the sunlight and grind it into fine powder. It provides a number of benefits ranging from natural hair coloring agent to hair growth promoter. The Use of henna dates back to 1200 BC, it was used to dye the hair and nails of pharaohs. Due to its ability to improve overall hair health, henna powder for hair has become an indispensable element in natural hair care routines. It is applied in the form of paste (made by blending henna powder with water).

Benefits of Henna Powder for Hair

benefits of henna powder for hair

  • Natural coloring agent: Henna powder for hair is widely appreciated as a natural dye, offering a safer alternative to synthetic dyes. The Major reason behind henna’s popularity in hair care is that it is safer than any synthetic dyes available in the market. We all know that even sulphuric acid is used during the preparation process of synthetic dyes. We don’t need any further discussion on the disadvantages of synthetic dyes because you guys are here due to their side effects. We can use henna powder as the best alternative to synthetic dyes without any doubts.
  • Best natural remedy for hair growth: Using henna powder can help you to promote your hair growth by nourishing it. Moreover henna stimulates blood circulation in the scalp that reduces hair fall. Application of henna powder also creates a soothing effect on the scalp, which strengthens the hair roots and follicles.
  • Balance pH and oil production: We all know that henna can be used to get different benefits. It has the ability to regulate oil production and pH on the scalp by restoring the functioning of sebaceous glands. Which makes our scalp healthy and hygienic.
  • Anti Dandruff: Henna is a potent Ayurvedic medicine against dandruff. Antifungal and antimicrobial properties found in henna remove dandruff from the scalp and create an itchiness free scalp. By removing dead skin cells and impurities from the scalp, it prevents further developments of dandruff.
  • Conditions and moisturize: Henna acts as a natural conditioner by locking the moisture content in the scalp. It is highly beneficial when it is used along with other hydrating agents like curd, coconut oil, or aloe vera gel.
  • Maintains scalp heath: Henna powder helps to maintain scalp health by treating various scalp issues such as dandruff, itchiness and dryness. Using henna powder will help you to maintain a healthy scalp.
  • Strengthens the hair: Henna powder helps to strengthen the hair by nourishing it. Nutrients in henna repairs the damaged hair along with proper nourishment.
  • Versatility: Henna powder is highly versatile, you can create your own color shade by adjusting the amount of henna in the mix.

How to Apply Henna Powder On Hair

  1. Take an adequate amount of henna powder in a bowl. Mix it with water and make into a fine paste. You can add egg/ lemon juice/ aloe vera white to hydrate your scalp (optional).
  2. You can add coffee or tea to increase the color.
  3. Keep this mix for one day.
  4. Apply this mix on freshly cleansed hair (clean your scalp using mild shampoo)
  5. Keep this mix for one or two hours.
  6. Wash off this mixture using warm water (do not use shampoo or any other. cleanser for at least 48 hours)
  7. Feel the difference.

DIY Henna Hair Pack Recipes

applying henna powder on hair

We can use henna powder for hair in different ways by mixing it with some ayurvedic elements. It helps to double the benefits. Here are some widely used hair pack recipes, which are highly beneficial for your hair.

Henna and Amla Hair Pack

  1. Take an adequate amount of henna powder with 2 tablespoons of Amala paste. Mix it well until it turns to a fine paste.
  2. Apply this mix on the hair and scalp after cleaning the head using mild shampoo (do not use conditioner, as it affects the efficacy of the mix) and wait for one to two hours.
  3. Wipe out the mix using warm water and feel the magic (don’t use any cleansing agents for the next 48 hours).

This hair pack will provide proper nourishment along with anti dandruff properties. Apart from the benefits of henna, Vitamin C found in Amla helps to strengthen hair follicles. Which leads to the reduction of hair breakage and split ends.

Henna, Curd and Egg Hair Pack

This pack will hydrate and nurture your hair scalp. Protein found in egg white strengthens hair strands and anti-fungal properties found in curd fight against dandruff.

  1. Make a fine paste of the Henna mix by adding these three ingredients. (Adequate amount of henna, One egg white,100 ml Curd)
  2. Apply this paste evenly on properly cleansed hair and scalp.
  3. Wait for one to two hours.
  4. Clean the hair using warm water (Avoid shampoo use for the next 48 hours)

Rare Side Effects of Henna Powder

Henna powder is safe to use but there are some rare chances for side effects after using henna powder. One among thousands or one among ten thousands may face some issues after using this. In some rare cases henna powder causes some side effects like itchiness, redness and swelling. Always do a patch test before using it. Make sure to use pure henna powder devoid of chemicals such as PPD (paraphenylenediamine). It will cause various side effects.

Henna and Indigo for Hair

Indigo powder and Henna powder are both natural hair coloring agents. Henna powder is derived from the henna plant, and indigo powder is made from indigo leaves. Henna powder gives a reddish orange color, on the other hand indigo powder gives a blue black color. You can use either of them according to your color preference. Both of them are the best natural alternative to synthetic dyes that cause various side effects to you.

With its multitude of benefits ranging from natural coloring to scalp health, henna is an excellent choice for anyone looking to switch to an organic hair care routine. You can use henna powder for hair without any doubt, it will never disappoint you. This can be used irrespective gender, age and fear of side effects.

Explore more about natural hair care on our blog. Stay tuned with BHUMIKA for more helpful articles and practical advice to keep your hair healthy and beautiful.


Frequently Asked Questions on Henna Powder for Hair?


How long to leave henna on hair?

To maximize the benefits of henna for hair, it’s crucial to know how long to leave the henna paste on. Typically, a period of one to two hours is recommended, depending on your desired intensity of color.


Is henna good for hair?

Yes, henna is good for hair. It naturally colors hair and provides lots of health advantages. It boosts scalp wellbeing by improving blood flow. This helps your hair grow and reduces hair loss. Henna also fights against dandruff and itchy scalp, thanks to its anti-fungal and antimicrobial benefits.


Can henna powder be used on all hair types?

Henna powder works on all hair types, no matter its type. It gives a natural color and conditions, regardless of your hair’s feel or response to moisture. However, the ending color might change depending on your hair’s natural color and type. So, doing a patch test before using henna everywhere on your hair is smart.


What do you mix with henna powder for hair?

Adding an egg to the henna mixture can offer additional protein treatments to your hair, helping to strengthen and nourish hair strands.


Can henna naturally cover gray hair?

Yes, henna can effectively cover gray hair naturally. When used on gray hair, henna gives a deep reddish-brown color. The exact shade you get can be different based on your natural hair color and the quality of the henna you use.

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