Ayurvedic Medicine For Memory Improvement

ayurvedic medicine for memory

Have you ever been in the shoes of Joel Barish and Clementine Kruczynski from “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”? That means have you ever struggled to recall something?
The answer will be yes. Reasons can be different but this has become a common phenomenon. Have you ever thought of medicines to boost memory power?
Don’t worry, this article will showcase the Ayurvedic medicine for memory, which helps to retain your memory power naturally.

What Are the Reasons for Memory Loss?

Memory loss can be caused by various reasons, and this section will discuss memory loss and its reasons.

Memory is defined as the inability to recall things that were previously stored in the brain. It can be a name, or it can be information. This condition is called memory loss. Memory loss can occur due to various reasons,we can discuss those reasons in detail.

  • Stress and Anxiety: Stress and Anxiety can cause memory loss. Chronic stress and anxiety affect the hippocampus region (a region which involves memory formation) of the brain and results in memory loss. And the stress hormones like cortisol reduce the ability to concentrate and retain information.
  • Sleep: Sleep has an important role in memory. Lack of proper sleep and patterns can cause memory loss. It interferes with the ability to recall things.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B12, folate, and omega-3 fatty acids are essential for brain health and memory function. Lack of these vitamins and minerals leads to memory loss.
  • Aging: As people age, it affects their memory function, and that leads to memory loss. It is normal when it happens occasionally and we can improve this through Ayurvedic medicines.
  • Medical Conditions: Medical Conditions such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Brain tumors can cause memory loss. These issues can not be cured by Ayurvedic medicines we are going to explain but they can be delayed through those medicines.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Memory Enhancement

Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine that originated in India, is a holistic approach to health. It focuses on the equilibrium of three doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. Ayurveda offers various methods to enhance memory power based on the “Rasayana” concept. Which helps to enhance memory and cognitive function by nourishing the brain tissues. Let us discuss Ayurvedic medicine for memory.

1. Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)


Brahmi, also known as the “herb of grace”, has the ability to enhance memory. It improves concentration levels and enhances the functioning of neurotransmitters. Brahmi is considered the best Ayurvedic medicine for memory improvement. It can be consumed in various forms, including fresh leaves, powder, and extract. The most convenient and effective option is consuming fresh leaves of Brahmi.

Different ways to Use Brahmi for Memory Improvement

  • Fresh brahmi leaves: You can chew them directly or add them to salads or soups. Chewing one or two fresh Brahmi leaves in the morning before breakfast Is the best way to consume Brahmi.
  • Capsules or tablets: If you can not access fresh brahmi leaves, you can use tablets; they are very common in pharmacy stores now. Follow the directions from the physician or institutions in the package.
  • Powder: Powder can be consumed by mixing it with water, juice, or milk. Consume the amount prescribed by the physician or instructed on the package.

2. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)


Ashwagandha, a herb found in Asia and Africa, is highly beneficial against memory loss. It has stress relieving properties, which reduce stress and anxiety levels and enhance memory functions. Also, the antioxidants found in ashwagandha protect the brain from oxidative damage. Ashwagandha can be used in different ways.

How to Use Ashwagandha for Memory Enhancement

  • Capsules or Tablets: Regularly consume prescribed number of ashwagandha tablets to improve memory power. Ashwagandha capsules are readily available in most of the pharmacy store but always prefer a trusted brand.
  • Powder: Ashwagandha is available in the form of powder; you can consume it by mixing it with water, milk, or juice, according to your convenience.
  • Tincture: Concentrated liquid extract is called tincture, you can consume it by adding it to water or smoothies.
  • Tea: There are people who make tea with ashwagandha, add ashwagandha powder or roots into boiling water, but this method is not as effective as other method.

3. Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis)


Shankhpushpi is traditionally used as medicine to enhance brain performance. By nourishing brain tissues, and by improving the performance of neurotransmitters. Also, it reduces stress because of its anxiolytic properties. It can be consumed in different ways.

How to Use Shankhpushpi as an Ayurvedic Medicine for Memory

  • Powder: Shankhpushpi is available in the form of powder, and it can be consumed by mixing it with honey, milk, or water.
  • Capsules and tablets: Shankhpushpi can be consumed in the form of tablets and which is the most convenient method. Follow the instructions from the physician or described in the package.
  • Tea: Shankhpushpi tea became famous among people because of its benefits. Add fresh Shankhpushpi flower into boiling water and have it.
  • Tincture: Add a few drops of tincture into juice, milk, or water and consume it.

4. Gotu kola (Centella asiatica)

gotu kola

Gotu kola is renowned for its health benefits, particularly for the brain. Its neuroprotective properties and antioxidant activities improve brain health and memory. Gotu kola is available in different forms.

How to Use Gotu Kola to Strengthen the Brain

  • Fresh leaves: You can have Gotu kola fresh leaves if they are available. You can have them directly or add them to salads.
  • Capsules or tablets: Gotu kola capsules are available now. You can have Gotu kola capsules according to the prescription from the physician or as described on the package.
  • Tincture: Gotu kola is available in the form of tinctures; you can follow the instructions from the physician or the description on the package.

5. Jati Manasi (Nardostachys jatamansi)

jati manasi ayurvedic medicne for memory

Jati Manasi is used as medicine to improve brain performance because of its stress reduction, memory enhancement, neuroprotective, and antidepressant activity. It also improves sleep quality. Jati manasi is available in the form of capsules, powder, and extract.

How to Use Jati Manasi as an Ayurvedic Medicine for Memory

  • Powder: You can consume it by mixing it with food items or juice or milk. Better to consult an Ayurvedic doctor to know about its dosage.
  • Capsules: Jati Manasi is available in the form of tablets. You can follow the dosage instructions on the product label or consult a doctor.
  • Tincture: Tincture is the liquid extract of jatai Manasi. It can be consumed by mixing it with milk,water, or juice. Follow the dosage instructions from the physician or described on the label.

By following these ayurvedic medicine for memory you can improve your memory and strengthen your brain in a natural way.

Lifestyle Habits to Improve Memory

Apart from these medicines, you need to maintain a proper lifestyle. Practice yoga and meditation, have a proper diet (avoid junk foods and incorporate more fruits and vegetables), manage stress and get adequate sleep. These things will transform life by enhancing memory power. These Ayurvedic medicines and proper lifestyle will not let you say “it is on the tip of the tongue” anymore.


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Frequently Asked Questions on Memory Improvement


Which is the best ayurvedic medicine for memory?

Ashwagandha is very good for improving memory. It helps relieve stress, which lowers stress and anxiety, and helps make memory better.


Is there a natural way to improve memory?

Think about something new you’d like to learn, such as playing the guitar, making pottery, playing chess, speaking French, or getting better at golf. Trying any of these activities can help you improve your memory if they keep you interested and give you a bit of a challenge.


How to improve memory power in Ayurveda?

A balanced diet including fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and ghee are the top dietary approaches for maintaining a healthy brain.


Is Brahmi good for memory?

Brahmi can improve memory. It helps with concentration and boosts how neurotransmitters work.


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