Rice Flour Face Packs and Benefits for Skin Whitening

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rice flour face packs

Rice flour face packs are a natural and effective way to achieve glowing skin. Rice flour, a humble ingredient readily available in your kitchen, is packed with exfoliating, brightening, and anti-ageing properties.

From reducing dark spots to controlling excess oil, the benefits of rice flour for skin are immense. Read further, as this article will discuss the benefits of rice flour for skin and includes the various rice flour face packs for skin.

Table of Contents:

Rice Flour Face Packs for Skin Care

rice flour uses for skin

Try out some of these DIY rice powder face packs for skin that can help you achieve healthy and glowing skin naturally.

Beetroot and Rice Flour Face Pack

This easy-to-prepare homemade rice flour face pack is highly effective as it contains the goodness of both rice flour and beetroot powder for skin.


  • Rice Flour
  • Beetroot powder
  • Water


  • Mix equal quantities of both beetroot powder and rice flour and add water to make a paste.
  • Apply this paste to your face and massage it in a circular motion.
  • Wait until the paste gets dried, and wash it off with water.

Tomato juice and Rice Flour face pack for skin whitening

This face pack that contains tomato juice and rice flour can be considered the best rice flour homemade face pack for skin whitening.


  • Tomato juice- juice of 1 tomato
  • Rice flour – 1 tablespoon
  • Olive oil – 1 teaspoon


  • In a bowl, add all these ingredients and mix them well.
  • Apply this paste on the skin as a thick layer.
  • After 20 minutes, rinse your face with cold water.

Besan and Rice Flour Face Pack

Rice flour can reduce pigmentation, and blemishes, fade scar marks and prevent wrinkles. Besan for skin works like a natural cleanser for your skin. Honey used in this face pack can deeply moisturise your skin, and rose water will also impart glow to your skin.


  • Rice flour – 2 tablespoons
  • Gram flour – 2 tablespoons
  • Honey – 3 teaspoons
  • Rose water


  • Mix rice flour, gram flour, and honey and add rose water to prepare a smooth paste.
  • Apply this paste to your face and neck.
  • After 20 minutes, wash the pack with lukewarm water.

Rice Flour Face Pack for Dark Circles

Rice flour is an excellent remedy for dark circles. Turmeric and tomato juice both have skin-brightening properties. So, this face pack, which combines these three ingredients, can help in reducing dark circles. 


  • Rice Flour – 1 Tablespoon
  • Turmeric – 1 Pinch
  • Tomato Juice


  • Combine all the above ingredients.
  • Apply this paste to your dark circles.
  • After 5 minutes, remove the pack using cold water.

Rice Flour and Aloe Vera Gel for Oily Skin

Rice flour can help clean your skin and regulate sebum production. Aloe vera gel can moisturise your skin without making it too oily.


  • Rice Flour- 2 Tablespoons
  • Aloe Vera Gel


  • Mix the ingredients to form a paste.
  • Massage this paste on your face.
  • After 15 minutes, rinse your face with lukewarm water.

Rice Flour, Orange Peel and Honey Powder Face pack

Rice flour and orange peel powder for skin is an effective face pack that promotes skin tightening. Rice flour can enhance skin elasticity, and the vitamin C contained in the orange peel powder prevents skin sagging. Honey provides natural hydration to the skin.


  • Rice flour- 2 tablespoons
  • Orange peel powder- 1 tablespoon
  • Honey


  • In a mixing bowl, add rice flour, orange peel powder and honey.
  • Massage this scrub to your face.
  • After 15 minutes, wash your face.

Rice Flour and Castor Oil Face Pack

This face pack can reduce pimple formation and fade acne marks.


  • Rice Flour – 2 tablespoons
  • Castor oil – a few drops
  • Rose water – 1 teaspoon


  • Mix all the above ingredients to prepare a smooth paste.
  • Apply this paste to your face and massage the paste in a clockwise direction for about 10 minutes.
  • Clean your face with cold water.

Rice Flour Face Pack for Anti-Ageing

This face pack is an anti-aging face pack that combines the benefits of rice flour and egg for the skin. The nutrients contained in eggs, such as vitamins A and E, folate, and biotin, help prevent the signs of aging.


  • Rice Flour-2 Tablespoons
  • Egg White – 1


  • Whisk egg whites and rice flour until they are thoroughly combined.
  • Apply this paste to your face.
  • After 15 minutes, rinse your face.

Rice Flour Face Pack for Acne

This face pack can regulate sebum production. As tea tree oil exhibits antibacterial properties it can prevent acne. Rose water can provide hydration to the skin.


  • Rice Flour – 2 Tablespoons
  • Tea Tree Oil- 1-2 Drops
  • Rosewater


  • Mix rice flour and rose water to prepare the face pack.
  • Add a few drops of tea tree oil to it.
  • Apply this paste to your face and wash the pack after 15 minutes.

Benefits of Rice Flour for Skin

benefits of rice flour for skin

Here are some of the notable benefits of rice flour for skin:


Rice flour has gentle exfoliating properties, which makes it ideal for use as a facial scrub. Owing to the coarse texture of the rice flour, it works like a gentle exfoliant that can remove dead skin cells and leave the skin soft and radiant. Moreover, exfoliation enables the pores to be unclogged and helps remove the dirt trapped in the pores, which ultimately prevents acne formation.

Skin Brightening

Rice flour can be considered an effective skin-brightening remedy as it contains compounds that can inhibit melanin production and provide a lighter complexion. So regular use of rice flour on the skin may help fade dark spots, reduce pigmentation, even out skin tone and promote a more radiant skin.

Oil Control

One of the significant benefits of rice flour for skin is that it helps to remove excess oil from the skin, making it suitable for people who have oily or acne-prone skin. Due to its oil-absorbent properties, rice flour can reduce the greasiness on the skin and helps bring a balanced and matte look to your face.

Protects Skin from Sun Damage

As rice flour contains ferulic acid and oryzanol, which exhibits antioxidant properties, your skin is protected from the harmful radiations of the sun.

Soothes Skin

Rice flour can soothe your skin and reduce the redness owing to its anti-inflammatory properties. So, rice flour may be used by people who have sensitive skin. It might also provide relief from itchiness and irritation.


The antioxidants contained in rice flour can prevent free radical damage, which can accelerate skin ageing. So, rice flour is an excellent anti-ageing skincare remedy. Also, being a gentle exfoliant, rice flour helps in removing dead skin cells and promotes new cell turnover. This can make your skin look younger and provide a smooth texture.

Reduces Dark Circles

Another important benefit of rice flour for skin is that it can reduce the dark circles under the eyes. While exfoliating the skin with rice flour, blood circulation is improved, which helps diminish the appearance of dark circles around the eyes.

What Are the Side Effects of Using Rice Flour on The Skin?

Even though rice flour can be considered a highly valuable natural ingredient concerning skin health, we need to be cautious about the side effects associated with using rice flour on the skin. Here are some of the potential side effects of rice flour on skin:

Allergy: As rice flour contains certain compounds that might be allergic to some individuals, itching, irritation, redness, and swelling are some of the common side effects experienced by people who have an allergy to rice flour.

Increased sensitivity to sun: The ferulic acid contained in rice flour might increase the sensitivity of the skin when exposed to the sun. This might cause damage to your skin, such as sunburn.

Dryness: Another common side effect of using rice flour on the skin is that rice flour can make your skin dry. It can strip the natural oil on your skin. If your skin type is dry, then using rice flour can make it more dry and flaky.

Skin Infections: If the rice flour is not stored correctly, then it may get contaminated. Using contaminated rice flour in your face pack remedies increases the risk of developing skin infections. So, store rice flour properly to avoid the chance of bacterial or fungal growth in the flour.

Over-exfoliation: Do not over-exfoliate your skin with rice flour, as it can damage your skin by making it extremely dry, flaky, irritated and sensitive.


Achieving naturally glowing skin can be made effective and safe using ingredients readily available in our kitchen. With its potent exfoliating, skin brightening, and anti-ageing properties, the benefits of rice flour for skin are remarkable. You can try the various DIY homemade rice flour face packs recipes for your specific skin concerns. Incorporate rice flour into your skincare routine and unlock the benefits of rice flour for skin.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Rice Flour Uses for Face


Can I apply rice flour face packs daily on my skin?

Even though rice flour is a natural and safe ingredient for the skin, it is better not to use rice flour face packs on the face daily. Besides being a gentle exfoliant, overuse of rice flour on the skin can lead to dryness, irritation, and more. Use rice flour either once or twice a week.

Can I get Korean glass skin with rice flour?

Yes, you can prepare the Korean rice flour face pack for skin to obtain glass skin. Mix rice flour with water, milk, or yogurt and apply this paste to your skin. You might avoid the area around the eyes. Wash the face pack after 15 minutes with lukewarm water.

Can rice flour face packs help with acne?

Yes, rice flour face packs can help with acne as rice flour can absorb excess oil from the skin, making them highly useful for people with oily or acne-prone skin.

How long does it take to see results from rice flour face packs?

To see visible results from using rice flour face packs on the skin, you might have to wait for a couple of weeks. Consistently use rice flour face packs on the skin based on your concerns.

Are rice flour packs good for oily skin?

Yes, rice flour face packs can regulate sebum production in the skin, which makes them highly suitable for oily skin.

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